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4 Social Media Mistakes I Made While In College

It’s always good to reflect on the past to understand the mistakes you made. This way you learn to grow and limit your future mistakes. While in college I was far from being considered a “social media guru.” These are my reflections on my the four biggest social media mistakes I made while in college:

Spending too Much Time on Facebook in Class.

My Freshman year I spent way too much time on Facebook in class and didn’t pay full attention to what the teacher was teaching. In my final semesters I was way more focused on the words of my professors and found intense inspiration and passion about what they were talking about. I regret not being as enthused for all of my classes, even those classes with the teachers I hated. The cost of college along should be enough of a reason to close Facebook and pay attention in class!

Waiting to Get Active on Twitter.

In my last semester I got to take a class with Michael Brito, SVP of Social Business at Edelman Digital and author of “Smart Business, Social Business.” One requirement of his class was to be active on Twitter for the entire semester, and I couldn’t be gladder for this. buy followers Instagram easily without spending much on the branding. Social media marketing is thus completely dependent on the tactics you use to attract audience and for the promotion of your brand. Some sites will allow you to buy followers for cheap whereas some sites charge you for the same.

Twitter is one of the greatest networking tools available when used right. When the CEO of AKQA replied to a tweet I had posted, I jumped in the air and clicked my heels together with joy. The majority of informational interviews I conducted in college were organized because I reached out to professionals via Twitter. If it weren’t for this, I might not have found my dream career path.

Not Optimizing my LinkedIn.

Until my last few semesters I had not realized the potential of LinkedIn. Now, I am more than

glad that I have a fully optimized profile because with my experiences I am continuously receiving requests to apply for positions, increasing my future career options.

Another great decision I made was to purchase a Premium LinkedIn account for $9.99 a month. This account gives me access to receive InMail and see full insights into how users are finding my profile. These priceless insights allow me to further optimize my account and learn what it is my industry is interested in.

Sharing Inappropriate Posts.

In the social media world of college students, passive agressive status updates, party pictures, and judgmental/inappropriate posts are all too common. These posts need to be monitored and restricted, if not completely eliminated for the simple fact that they do not achieve anything. Too many college students are still focused on being “popular” among their peers and end up sharing things online that might come back to bite them. Not only can I guarantee that hiring managers check your Facebook account, it is actually being promoted to do so because it “Can Tell You If A Person Is Worth Hiring.”

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