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background check Guide

Why Companies Need To Screen Potential Employees

Hiring employees is a long process that involves several steps to be taken by the company. One such step is conducting a background check on these potential employees. 

An employment background check is a process through which a complete and detailed report regarding an employee’s history, such as employment history, past companies they’ve worked for, designations, tenures, the reason for leaving the previous company, and whether they are eligible for rehire. 

They also analyze the skills, profiles cited, and work history that the employee mentions in his portfolio. A comprehensive background check is a compulsory part of any hiring process. Most importantly, it helps to establish the employee’s credibility, whether they are honest and trustworthy. Any gaps seen between the data given and found would reflect poorly on the employee. 

Usually, HR personnel is responsible for conducting such a background check on potential employees.

Why is it necessary?

A background check is necessary for the following reasons:

  • Eligibility for the position

Work history, employment history, designations held, skills, etc.- all these play an important role as indicators of the fitness of the potential employee for the job they are applying for. 

  • Reasons for leaving the past company

The reasons that employees cite for leaving their previous space of employment can help you understand whether they are liabilities or assets. Those who cite irrelevant reasons or reasons that seem to change each time they are questioned raise a red flag.

  • Make the right hire 

Now that you know all about the prospective employee, you can make a sound decision regarding employing them and not regret it later. 

What is the best free background check sites?

There are plenty of websites that offer free background checks for hiring employees. Some of the best free background check sites are listed below:

  • First Advantage

They offer international background checks backed with speedy results. They also contact your employees if they find a dearth of information, so you won’t have to yourself. They throw up accurate results within 24 hours if it is an international employee and instantly if it is a local employee. 

Prices start at $20 and can go up to $105, depending on how much information you want to gain. 

  • Rentberry 

Rentberry is another great website that you can check to get the information you need regarding potential employees. It gives the credit history as well as a background check for a lower price than First Advantage. Tenants have to pay this low price, and it’s free for landlords. 

You can check up on the properties to rent in the US and see any listed ones from all over the world. 

Background checks on employees are a necessary part of the hiring process. Some employees may embellish their achievements and try to hide any faults, which could lead to a bad hire. Hiring the right employee can save you time and money, but most importantly, give you peace of mind. 

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